Storyteller: Richard Zigler
Interviewer: Bertalot, Lorretta
Date: 01/16/2019
Language: English
Initiative: Tulsans Talk
Description: Rev. Richard Ziglar came to Tulsa from Fort Worth to work at 1st Christian Church, Disciples of Christ. He has made many contributions to Tulsa including helping with the Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry, Metropolitan Area Religious Educators, RAIN Teams, and many elderly care opportunities for Tulsans including NEATS. Rev. Ziglar is a truly ecumenical person who is now living in a retirement community in Tulsa.
Subjects: 1st Christian Church, Disciples of Christ in Tulsa, Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry (TMM), Tulsa Metropolitan Area Religious Educators (TMARE)Cathedral Square of Tuls, RAIN Teams(Regional AID Interfaith Network) to help those in the area with AIDS, Elderly Care, State Conference on Aging, Oasis, Active Timers, NEATS (Northeast Active Timers), Methodist Manor/Trinity Woods Retirement Village, McClendon House in Tyler, TX, ROAD Scholar, Diamond Tours, remove stress, cruses.