• Additional Resources

    Visit the photographs page to browse over 50,000 images.

    THSM is not the repository for the Tulsa Tribune Archives. We are not able to perform lookups in any Tulsa newspaper. The Tulsa City-County website is www.tulsalibrary.org.

    Genealogical questions may be directed to the Genealogy Resource Center

    THSM does not have the capability to provide the history of residential structures at a specific address. Here are some research options:

    The Tulsa City-County Library guide “House, Building, & Neighborhood Histories in Tulsa”

    The best source for this information is the property abstract.

    Inquiries regarding particular Tulsa neighborhoods or historic buildings, historic building updates, and tax incentives can be found at the Tulsa Preservation Commission.

    A repository of architectural archives can be found at the Tulsa Foundation for Architecture.

  • Appraisal & Authentication Requests

    THSM does not give appraisals or statements of monetary value in keeping with current ethical codes outlined by the American Association of Museums.

    A good starting point for assessing value and authentication of objects and works of art can be found at the Getty Research Institute

    If you wish to obtain a formal, written appraisal of an object (for which you will most likely be charged a fee), please consult a professional association to find a local accredited appraiser.